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  • Select a valid date (MM/DD/YYYY). The date must be prior to today.
  • Prices are end-of-day and are not available for weekends and holidays.
  • Click on the Lookup button to view your results.

As a service to our shareholders, Altria is pleased to provide a link to the NetBasis Cost Basis system.

For a fee, you may use NetBasis to calculate the cost basis for your Altria common stock, adjusted for any corporate actions or dividend reinvestments. To use NetBasis, you will need your purchase/acquisition/sales dates and the number of shares acquired and/or sold on those dates.

When you select the NetBasis icon, you will leave Altria’s website and will be redirected to the NetBasis system, which contains certain historical information about the Altria stock. Altria has no control over, receives no compensation from, and neither endorses nor recommends, NetBasis versus other similar tax calculators. Altria makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of any cost basis calculation made using NetBasis or the information on the NetBasis website. Altria urges you to consult your tax adviser about your tax basis in your Altria stock. Altria shall have no liability for any injury or damages you incur as a result of your use of NetBasis.

If you have any questions about using NetBasis, you can call its 24/7 Customer Care Call Center at 1-888-80-BASIS (1-888-802-2747) or use the Live Web Chat service located on the Help button once you have logged on to the system.

Dark grey and white box with Green and white text  as a button to access an external site link
The present annualized dividend rate is $4.08 per common share. Dividends are declared and approved only at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

To calculate Dividend per Share and Total Dividend Payment at annualized, most-recent and year-to-date basis, please use the Dividend Calculator. View the Dividend Schedule & History for Altria’s dividend summary over time.

Enter the number of shares you own and click Calculate to find out how much the selected dividend payment was worth to you.

The Total Return Calculator allows you to calculate the current value and return on your investment in Altria Group. The calculator takes into account the stock price change and the assumption that the dividends issued are reinvested.


  • Select a valid date range (MM/DD/YYYY) using the "Date Range" and "To" fields.
  • Choose the appropriate frequency. For example, if you choose “Monthly”, you will see the return on your investment on a monthly basis (expressed as percentage).
  • Type the value of the amount you invested (e.g., $5,000).
  • Click the Calculate button to calculate the return on your investment.


Consult Your Tax Advisor: This information does not constitute tax advice. It does not purport to be complete or to describe the consequences that may apply to particular categories of shareholders. You should consult a tax advisor regarding the calculation of your tax basis.